Sunday, January 22, 2012

Baby Photo Shoot...

I was a little hesitant to put these on the Internet, but some of them are just too darn cute to resist. My friend from Canton (we've known each other since grade school) moved with her husband to Rochester last summer and offered to give me a session since she is staring to take photos more professionally. It was great she came to the house and essentially we "played" with baby stuff for a few hours. Near the end of the session, Haley came home and joined the fun. Thank you Tasha for documenting this special time for our family!

Other than that it's been pretty quiet :) Mike started painting the nursery this weekend, it's a Vintage Sports theme, he commented this morning that he might want to move in there with the baby to which my response is, "go right ahead". :) I will post pics when it's closer to completion. We also got out some of the baby gear this morning, to start cleaning it, in which Haley had a grand old time. She had every baby doll she owns out and was testing each piece for baby brother. 

No scheduled appointment this upcoming week :) Last week baby boy measured 3 lbs. 10 oz. and all looked good. After this I will start going in weekly again. 

We continue to received generosity from friends and can't seem to keep up with the thank- yous. We don't know how to repay the kindness. We hope in some way we can pay it forward someday. Thanks again to Mary Jo, Deb, Samantha, Jenn, Diane, and Erin all friends from school for their generosity!!

Lastly, I got to Skype this week with some very special 4th graders. We spent 40 minutes talking and they read me a Reader's Theatre story they have been practicing and caught me up on what is going on in 4th grade. If I have realized anything during this time is that I LOVE MY JOB. I truly miss my kids and co-workers each day.


This is one of my favorites, this isn't even all the ultrasound pics!?!

Haley playing "telephone" with baby brother!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

staying put.

We are staying put lately, mostly due to the turn in the weather. It seems winter has arrived in Western New York. We have finally gotten back into the swing of things since the holidays have passed and Haley was very excited when the "noe" (snow) came this week.

Here's a few pics of some recent "activities" that keep us busy as we await the arrival of baby boy!

Reading with Mommy- our nightly ritual

Her new fav sweat suit. It's bright pink and has a kitty...what's not to love?

Mommy and Baby boy @ 31 weeks.

Daddy and Haley after sledding

Haley is getting better about wearing her glasses, but bribes work too.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hello 2012!

In some ways we were happy to put 2011 behind us, but we can also reflect on many good memories. Obviously, we are elated that our little man is going to be a 2012 baby! Haley has been practicing singing the 'Happy Birthday' song (everyday, several times a day) so that she is ready to sing when baby brother arrives. It is also Mike's birthday on Feb. 12th so we'll see who gets to hear the song first...

We had our weekly appointment yesterday. It was uneventful in a good way :) Baby boy is still in the "ready" position, according to the ultrasound, but he is growing nicely, they estimated he's about 3lbs. 5 oz. which is the 40th %. I am 31 weeks and we will continue all the interventions (progesterone shots, stitch, restricted activities) until 36 weeks. After that the docs say I may still carry for a few weeks, especially if scar tissue holds the baby in, so I will be like every woman the last month in her pregnancy, anxiously anticipating delivery and SO ready to meet him. Although, I figure I will have plenty to keep me busy.  I have been doing very little to prepare for his arrival. Mike will be starting the nursery soon and getting out all the baby gear but I still have a long list of things to do before he gets here!

In other news, Haley already broke her new glasses, luckily they have a year warranty and we figure we will be taking them in for repairs quite often but she seems to be doing better with wearing them.  

Before the holiday, some of my "school friends" came over and we made ornaments.

Haley bounces between the 'librarian and the secretary' 

She also irons every morning with Daddy

We look forward to all the good things to come in 2012! 
We wish everyone a healthy & blessed Happy New Year :)