Monday, March 26, 2012

In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb?

Well we were certainly spoiled with the warm spring weather last week! Hopefully it returns soon... It was great to go out on walks with the new double stroller :) Haley loves "riding with baby brother," which will make our lives easier during public outings, let's hope her enthusiasm continues.  Jalen is six weeks old today. 

Tasha (childhood friend from Canton) and Chris, getting some good practice :)

Daddy trying to get Jalen to eat from his bottle.

Mommy's idea of finger painting! No Mess :)

Sleepy. JJ loves being on his belly.

Jalen and his new friend Sylvie (Sara's friend Liz from NS had her 2 weeks before Jalen was born).

Jalen and Grandma B.

Haley reading with Papa B.

Haley attempting to entertain Jalen in his swing - which he still hates ;(

The grandparents came for a visit :)

Enjoying the sun @ the playground :)

Being silly.

Haley and her cousins (Georgia and Ruby) went to the SU Lax game at the Dome together. 

The 3 monkeys! Ruby, Georgia, and Haley

2 out of 3 isn't bad.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Due Date Jalen!

Today is March 8th. A date we had circled, highlighted, and underlined in our calendar for months as we hoped it would be Jalen's birthday. It's hard to believe that on Monday he'll already be a month old!  He has changed so much. He's really filling out and he doesn't feel so fragile anymore. At his two week appointment he weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz., so I am thinking by his 1 month he will be well over 7lbs. :)

We have been doing okay, the nasty cold virus has hit our family (for the 2nd time this season) and crept its way from Haley to Mike to me (and we are hoping Jalen is fighting it off). It's hard to tell with how much he sleeps how he's "feeling" but we've had a few nights where he's been really irritable so I am thinking he might be battling it too.  At this point we just want to be healthy, being sleep deprived is one thing, but being sleep deprived and sick is torture!

Think Spring!! Here are a few pics from this past week or so...