Thursday, December 1, 2011

First trip to Labor & Delivery :(

Well Wednesdays are usually my days for check-ups/ultrasounds after last weeks great appointment they decided to wait until next Monday and go a week and a half since I was stable. However apparently the baby missed the memo or just wanted the extra attention because we ended up at Strong yesterday anyway.

I noticed Tues. night that the 'contractions' I have been feeling became a little stronger. Many women experience Braxton-Hicks which are deemed "practice contractions" usually painless, and do not have an effect on your cervix so therefore do not progress labor. The problem is, is that's all I thought I had with Haley too, so they have asked me to pay close attention to them monitoring if they become constant or increase.
At about 10 am I called my doc and reported I have been feeling different and I think I might be contracting, so they sent me into Labor and Deliver to be monitored.  Once being hooked up to the monitor I was definitely contracting and they started with fluids just in case I was dehydrated, which wasn't the case. After a bit they gave me a shot of terbutaline which is kind of like a muscle relaxer for the uterus. This helped and although it makes you feel like your heart is going to explode, it seemed to lesson the contractions. I have several exams and ultrasounds and they concluded that everything looked stable, my water hadn't broken and I wasn't progressing into labor. I do have an infection which is being treated, which just increases my risk for premature labor (thanks, I think we've covered that) due to PPROM (or increased risk for ruptured membranes, aka water breaking).

So, after all this excitement, I returned home (relieved because I really was hoping to stay out of the hospital) to my comfy couch to wait and see what happens... There are other medicines they will try if the contractions return and if things stay quiet I keep my regular OB appointment for Monday.

Here's hoping for a quiet weekend :)

Again thanks to my NS friends who continue to keep us fed and entertained through their generosity, especially Heather, Paige, Jackie, Traci, and Barb. Thank YOU!!!

The baby is 26 weeks today! One funny thing that did happen is he got the hiccups when I was hooked up to the monitor, it was so funny to hear it.   :)

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